Veneer cutting operator and jointing operator

The person in charge of cutting or trimming the veneer inspects, touches and analyses the quality of the wood veneer he or she works with. Guided by the indications marked by the employee in charge of sorting the veneer and according of his know-how of the specific wood specie at hand, the trimmerdecides to :  

  • discard part of the leaves with unaesthetic wood specificities (knots, grain with too much contrast...) 
  • "straighten" the leaves to align the grain and make it suitable for the production process.

This work influences significatively :

- The aesthetic quality of the panels :  

With an industrial guillotine machine, veneer leaves are cut in strips or layons of various width depending on the wood specie (usually between 10 to 30 cm, 3 to 11 inches) with an aesthetic consistency in accordance with the Oberflex specifications.

- The optimisation of the wood yield : 

At each step of his job, the trimmer optimises the yield of the raw material. Wood is a precious, rare and noble ressource and it is Oberflex duty to optimize its use whilst enhancing the beauty of the final product. Trimming 1cm (1/3 in) more on the width of a flitch of 32 layons represents 1m² of veneer (10 sq ft).


After trimming the veneer, the jointing step begins. Jointing consists in assemblying side by side each layon of trimmed veneer until completion of a full size panel.


Each side of a flitch of layons is first englued according to a precise and strict order. Each layon of the flitch is then handled one by one to assemblied.


The jointer visually controls each sheet during assembly. He is in charge of the aesthetics of the Oberflex panel.

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